English version


The GO MONGOLIA event to promote Mongolia was established on March 28, 2024, in Seoul. According to the event and the intention to travel to Mongolia in 2023-2025, MOKTA’s 10 membership representations of the travelling agency introduce five itineraries for those who have been developing and working overseeing markets in Korea. Including:
1. Travel in Khentii province of The Chinggis Khaan birth place
2. Travel in Umnugovi (Gobi desert)
3. Travel in Khuvsgul lake (Taig)
4. Adventure Travel
5. One lamb and one person traveling itinerary.

During the activities, our “Joy Mongolia Travel” LLC proposed about Umnugovi’s (Gobi Desert) travel, and we appreciate that the “Fantastic Gobi Travel” representation has partnered with us for the advertisement. Although we are grateful that “Ministry of Nature, Environment, and Tourism of Mongolia,”  “MIAT,”  “Aero Mongolia,”  and “Evseg” Cashmere LLC have been partnering with us. Also the event was attended by management, influencers, singers and well-known guests of travel companies that produce travel products from Korea to Mongolia. Thank you very much to Choi Sang Hee (IG: https://www.instagram.com/zzang_hui/), brand ambassador of KIA motors, Gray Goose and Discovery, who traveled through our organization in 2023, for taking the time to come.
Additionally, we are grateful to Seok Lee, the administrator and head of Love Mongol Cafe, who has been helping Mongolia-inbound tourism since 2017. We would like to express our gratitude to UMIT CEO Kim Gi Ho and CEO Lee Jeongsuk for coming from far away and one of the South Koreans who cooperate as a team in outbound activities.
Overall, we are thankful to Batkhuyag the principal and Narankhuu CEO of The Association of Mongolia & Korean Tourism NGO, for giving us the chance to contribute to this amazing event.